Porfoliot project idea.

 Hey Blog!

This week I will start the production of my project. I have come to the conclusion that I will be doing the idea of an 18-year-old boy that is getting drafted into the military because there is a war going on. I brainstormed this idea because the Ukraine war is going on and everyone is worried about getting drafted into the war. This film's opening will start with a boy that is a preppy rich kid. I plan to use close-ups across his body as he is getting dressed to represent the rich boy look.


This is an example of how I would like to represent the main character. The rich boy look of this character really establishes a feel for him not being ready to get drafted into the war. I believe that this will get the audience guessing how he will do in this war and be a real attention grabber. Although, I am going to have to learn how to edit well enough, so I can show that there is a war going on. I will plan all of the shots out, for the next class. And then start shooting over the weekend. 

Depending on the amount of time each shot will take, I may just go with the idea of just a rich boy and present him as a character. And not put in the getting drafted to war idea.

I will continue updating everyone on the blog every other day. Thanks, blog!


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