Music video project

 For this project, we wanted a genre that not a lot of people listen to. And we got exactly that. I and my group got the Alternative music genre which we were excited about. We selected the song, “Night Running”, by Cage the Elephant. We then watched the music video and played the song a few times to see if we could get an idea to blossom. Right when I heard the song, I thought of running from the police at night, trying to hide.

I discussed with my group and told them my idea for the music video. They loved it and started to expand on the original idea. We had a great time thinking of what the music video would be like, which really enhanced our brainstorming process as we were all laughing and becoming friends. Sachet,(one of my group members) visioned that this song would be great for a party music video. With that being said, we decided on combining our 2 ideas. We decided that our music video would start with us at a party having fun. The cops would come and see underaged drinking. The 3 of us then start running from the police. And then at the end, they catch us and we convince the cop to come and party with us. Filming the music video was also very fun as we were all in it and Sasha filmed it. We all worked on the presentation part together.

Although brainstorming came easy to us, there were some challenging parts of this. We started off slow because we didn't know each other, so it wasn’t easy for the ideas to come upon us. It was very difficult to do research on alternative music because it is not a popular genre that most people listen to. This made it difficult for us to find a target market. We had to do research on what age groups listen to alternative the most. Along with matching the correct age group and gender to what our music video shows. We had to make sure it was appropriate for who we are trying to sell our records to. 

I learned how to work together in a team to get work done. I think this will help me with my portfolio because it helped me understand time management and when to get things done. It also gave me experience in how to make a music video along with getting more knowledge about the music industry. I learned a lot about the alternative genre and I am very glad I was able to work on this project.


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